Monday, April 11, 2016


These week, in class we learned about curriculum design and these topic it is related to our assignment. So while doing about our assignment, we can refer this topic as a guidelines for us to created our own curriculum design. 


Curriculum design is the arrangment of curriculum elements into a substantive entity. The basic components in curriculum design is, must have aims, goals, objective, subject matter, learning expriences and evaluation.

Different between curriculum design and instructional design.

Curriculum design are the total plan that arranges the four components into curriculum. For instance the objective, content, learning experience and evaluation.
For instructional design, it is refers specifically to one compenent, the potential experiences for the student, learning activities.

Malaysian curriculum design.

Promotes unity through the use of a single medium of instruction and the provision of the same core subject for all pupils in all schools within the National Education System.

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